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Shopping eBay for Athleisure Wear

In Fashion by Sarah Lindner13 Comments

With online shopping breaking records at this time, you may have noticed conventional and big box retailers selling out of popular or high in demand items. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Have you given eBay a try? Although the platform is not new to me, I’ve been shopping on the site more frequently since sheltering at home. I have …

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Walmart and Amazon Outdoor Decor

In AMAZON, Fashion, Home by Sarah Lindner16 Comments

JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. So I don’t know when the country will open back up again, but New York has recently extended social distancing guidelines and shelter in place orders through mid May. With no option to travel anytime soon, or even to venture to local beaches and pools, I’ve been …

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Styling Band Tees From Walmart

In Fashion by Sarah Lindner10 Comments

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t listen to or am even familiar with some of the bands that make their way onto some of my favorite tees, but it’s a look I love and a trend I hope sticks around for awhile. Extra brownie points if you listen to their music, but today I’m sharing some recent graphic …

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Walmart and Amazon Home Organization

In AMAZON, Fashion, Home by Sarah Lindner11 Comments

JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.   So I have to admit that being self quarantining has totally inspired me to decorate and organize spaces throughout my duplex. I have been living in this apartment for about two years and although all the major furniture has been in place, I have yet to …

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Must Have Casual Spring Outfits

In AMAZON, Fashion by Sarah Lindner9 Comments

I’m no longer keeping up with the calendar these days so I often forget what days of the week it is. Seems to be the running joke on social media, so at least I’m not the only one, lol. So I haven’t been going out at all except for the essentials, but I pretty much order almost everything I need …

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Wellness Mother’s Day Gift Guide

In Fashion, Home by Sarah Lindner11 Comments

JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.   Lately I can’t keep up with my calendar days. Every day seems to blend in with the one before and the next and I often forget what day it is altogether! If quarantine life has you feeling the same, you are not alone. Easter totally crept …

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Spring Adidas Sneaker Roundup

In Fashion by Sarah Lindner12 Comments

If quarantine life has shown me anything, it’s that more time to shop at home will most certainly feed any wardrobe obsessions. As a result, my sneaker collection has significantly grown since last I shared my latest finds! No one can know for certain how much life will go back to the old normal or how soon, so buying choices …

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Best White Dresses For Spring & Summer

In AMAZON, Fashion by Sarah Lindner11 Comments

JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. It’s hard to imagine getting all dressed up with nowhere to go these days but I can’t help but be hopeful that when summer rolls around I’ll get to pull out all the pretty things and outfit pieces I’ve been hoarding. If you’re like me and many …

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Cozy at Home Favorites Round Up

In AMAZON, Fashion by Sarah Lindner10 Comments

I don’t know about you but ever since quarantine life became the new norm, I’ve lost track of more calendar days than I care to admit! Even though I have been working from home for years now, all the shelter in place orders have greatly impacted my daily routine (like so many I’m sure). Not getting out nearly as often …

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Must Have Cozy Amazon Favorites

In AMAZON, Home by Sarah Lindner10 Comments

So the general consensus among everyone I know is that they are fully embracing the cozy at home uniform most days and I’m certainly no exception. On today’s post I’m sharing all my cozy at home lounge wear, all recent purchases from Amazon. Recently I did a big overhaul of my loft work space where I keep the bulk of …